Guestroom Suspension
Design Metis Lighting
Manufacturer Zonca
A special custom Guestroom Suspension was designed for inserting a unique lamp in the room for elevating the guest’s experience.
The architect’s initial rendering expressed the intention of having an important decorative element to illuminate the guestroom of the Milan Bulgari Hotel guestroom.
Metis transformed this input into a lighting fixture that could perform as indirect light, a reading light both left and right, a diffuse light and a direct light for an eventual underlying desk.
This luminous object with customized use by the guest, made the experience of the room more intimate, while at the same time became a recognizable feature for all the Milan Bulgari Hotel guestrooms; a sophisticated element seemingly lightweight, while it is actually a complex lighting feature.
The Custom Hotel Guestroom Suspension integrated two kinds of light sources. Fluorescent tubes provided the diffuse light and halogen lamps for the direct light effect.