Located in the very centre of Milan since 18th century the Residence of the Bagatti Vasecchi family became a museum accomodating a vast colection of ancient and rinascimental outstanding artwork and objects in a context of high artistic value itself and with a dedicated lighting project.
In order to bring out this heritage, Metis Lighting started from a careful analysis started for tracing the steps in order to make justice to one of the most well preserved Residence Museum in Europe.
The material to be exhibited was not only paintings, furniture, weapons, armors, ceramic, jewelery, tapestries but the very wall finishings, prestigious floorings, coffered and painted ceilings.
For this reason, the first step in the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum lighting project was to identify the exhisting lighting features, restore them and use them at their best.
Once done that, more technical lighting fittings would eventually get integrated where needed.
All of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum lighting project aimed at being as much invisible as possible, for letting the scene to this particular space where history and culture used to cohabit.
One of the first interventions in the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum lighting project included the restoration of the existing chandeliers changing also their light function: the iconic suspensions became a new custom chandelier more adequate for the new lighting scheme.
Later on, the next step was introducing the accent lighting elements and this phase was more complex.
The requirements for the lighting fixture were extremely flexibility, simple mounting but most importantly with restrained dimensions with significant light output.
Responding to all those requirements led to a lighting fixture that with magnetic fixing, mounted on metal inserts mostly on top of the door frames, in order to minimize the visual impact.
In the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum lighting project the focusing was a great exercise and the result was highly rewarding.
Design Metis Lighting