On June 20-21, we were in Naples for the XX National AIDI Congress: the evolution of lighting during this period of transitions was the main axis around which all the speeches, round tables, and contributions were held.
Innovations in urban lighting, indoor lighting after the pandemic, environmental sustainability and nature centric lighting, illuminating arts and cultural spaces, as well as the overall culture of lighting were among the different points of view discussed among the participants and e-posters, including a Future Workshop session again revolving around these subjects.
Marinella Patetta was part of the scientific and technical committee, as well as leader in one of the groups of the Future Workshop, together with Osvaldo Da Pos, a format of discussion where the participants had the chance to observe critical points and then formulate possible – and impossible- solutions.
Environmental sustainability as part of the lighting industry requires a wider re-thinking and re-evaluating of the existing regulations and standards on which as lighting designers and manufacturers, we usually base our interventions. But most importantly, requires awareness and collaboration throughout all the working chain. From the client until the final user, all have to communicate in the same terms for achieving the necessary investments and innovations, for a more viable design.
How can we re-use or fix lamps in a more fluent, rapid, and efficient way? What other more services can lighting design offer? How do we measure light and which is the awareness between the users? Shall we only speak about light or also about necessary darkness? These were only a few of the general points raised in these two days.
Zoì Katsarou presented the work of Eugenia Marcolli and Gaetana Cannito on a Metis Lighting project illustrating how shifting the approach from a human-centric to a nature-centric lighting can be applied on concrete project practices. Artificial lighting influences the behavior and survival of fauna and flora. Respecting the principles suggested by IES/IDA for outdoor lighting (that can be applied to interiors as well!) and following national and international guidelines together with a wider synergy required in our sector, can lead to more conscious lighting practices.
The XX National AIDI Congress was a great chance for gathering the Italian lighting community again and in person after the pandemic outbreak, in order to share doubts and visions. These events become more and more relevant in an era full of challenges, especially if we want to respond efficiently and be part of a more radical change.

Metis Lighting