Metis Lighting has a vast Material and Lighting fixtures Library which occupies a room in our studio. It is the space for making experiments, testing, having epiphanies and fun! Keeping it clean and in order is an everyday struggle, but it is true if we say that it holds all of Metis Lighting secrets.
You can find light bulbs of all sorts, samples of fabric, plexiglass, glass, metal samples, as well as ceiling coves portions, alla long a wide variety of lighting fixtures of all manufacturers.
Lighting design is based in large base on light effects and testing them in scale 1:1 is the safest method to really guarantee the desired result or have an intuition for a different solution.

Since the introduction of LEDs, the quality of a light source is always different and it’s always a good practice to make measurements and visual tests, for being sure to specify a high quality product rather than another one. Every product specified for a lighting project, goes through testing in our laboratory. The same stands for all bespoke products developed: before getting into production. A sample is made in the laboratory, then a prototype by the manufacturer, that gets again tested and approved by Metis Lighting and then it is ready for client’s approval.
In the Metis Laboratory there are a lot of prototypes from previous projects, special lighting fixtures modified and all sorts of experiments. In other words… Metis little light secrets!