Progetti - News - Pagina 5 MILAN HAS A NEW GARDEN AND ARTIFICIAL SKY September 9, 2021 Milan is a city in rapid growth in terms of new architectures, new economies, new cultures and new gardens. Nonetheless, Milan used to be referred to as a ‘’grey city’’, where...
Progetti - News - Pagina 5 WARM DIMMING MAKES IT EASIER September 7, 2021 What if we say that warm dimming makes it easier to have a pleasant atmosphere? “It is proved that human beings prefer warm light. There is a strong connection between low lighting levels and...
Progetti - News - Pagina 5 REMOTE CONTROL: LIGHTING DESIGN FOLLOWS THE PATH OF TV REVOLUTION September 5, 2021 Even if television was invented in the late 1920s, the world had to wait more than thirty years to be able to use the remote control. In the early...
Archivi per Maggio 2021 FROM HUMAN-CENTRIC TO ECO-CENTRIC LIGHTING May 12, 2021 Great attention was almost always paid to the effects of light on human wellbeing. This meant, for instance, taking care of light changes throughout the day, of lighting design projects...
Archivi per Maggio 2021 LIGHTING HIGH-END RETAIL STORES: WEBINAR ON MAY 20 May 10, 2021 What are the key aspects of lighting high-end retail stores? Answers will be looked for in occasion of the webinar Luxury Store Lighting 101: Innovation, Design,...
Archivi per Maggio 2021 THE TOUCHPOINT BETWEEN LIGHTING DESIGN AND IRRIGATION: JEWELRY STORES May 7, 2021 What do irrigation and lighting design have in common? Surprisingly, many things, especially if the context of the lighting design project is related to jewelry...