Archivi per Dicembre 2023 WHAT ABOUT A LIGHTING ITINERARY IN MILAN? Dec 14, 2023 Christmas is coming.We are venturing out on a cold, snowy day for some presents. People hurry by at a frantic pace down the streets of the center.What about a lighting itinerary? And so...
IT’S NOT MAGIC, IT’S FOCUSING Sep 29, 2023 If you think that August was only holidays, well, for some of our team members this is not pretty correct. Many of the flagship stores around the world opening for the various Fashion Weeks, have been visited and...
WAVES AND SUNSETS Sep 29, 2023 Summer waves and sunsets: do you still recall those beautiful moments of pure joy? Autumn is here and although many of us are back tothe office in the city, our minds still travel elsewhere. Maybe you did not spend your summer holidays...
Progetti - News - Pagina 4 THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING AN ARCHITECT DOCUFILM October 21, 2021 On 18th of October 2021 the docufilm The Importance of Being an Architect had its world premiere in the Milan Design Film Festival. The Milanese audience had the chance to emerge...