Archivi per chiara - Pagina 3 LIGHTS ON AT THE NEW ILLY CAFÈ September 30, 2022 This September, lights were switched on in a new ‘’place to be’’ right in the centre of Milan. Either for sipping a good coffee in the morning, lingering under a magnolia tree for a lunch...
Archivi per chiara - Pagina 3 30 AVENUE MONTAIGNE June 27, 2022 The city of Paris welcomed back the Dior 30 Avenue Montaigne during its world-renowned fashion week, that was held in March, after two years of intensive renovation under the direction of Peter Marino...
Archivi per chiara - Pagina 3 DESIGN STORY OF BELLA VITA June 27, 2022 Looking like a bee-hive from the outside, how does this concept develop in the interior? In the last 2021 newsletter, we presented the much-appreciated Taiwanese skyscraper, designed by ACPV...
Archivi per chiara - Pagina 3 XX NATIONAL AIDI CONGRESS June 27, 2022 On June 20-21, we were in Naples for the XX National AIDI Congress: the evolution of lighting during this period of transitions was the main axis around which all the speeches, round tables, and...
Archivi per chiara - Pagina 3 ENERGY IS HAVING ITS PRICE Mar 24, 2022 It is on everybody’s mouth: this year energy is having its price, and it is definitely higher than in the past. In Italy, energy bills are expected to go up by 131% in comparison with 2021, in UK by...